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Budget Coaching

Financial Management Services staff offers Money Management workshops and individual counseling which help participants learn how to manage their personal finances.

The Money Management workshops are offered monthly and cover the following topics:

  • Mastering Money Management 
  • Developing a Spending Plan
  • Banking Basics and Debt Reduction
  • Improving Credit Ratios and Savings
  • Insurance
  • Consumer Protection and Fair Housing

A schedule of the Money Management workshops can be found under the Quick Links list on the right of this page.

Individual Budget Counseling involves one-on-one personalized sessions in which a Budget/Housing Coach will help a customer prepare a household income analysis and establish a money management and bill paying plan.

Have you already purchased a home? But you’re not quite sure how to save money for emergency situations? Our budget coaches are ready to help you to develop a savings plan for FREE.

Register for upcoming workshops or meet with a Budget & Housing Coach by clicking below.


If you are interested in finding out more about NMCAA's Budget Counseling Services, call 231-947-3780 or text 231-714-4578, or email at fmsintake@nmcaa.net.

This page last updated on 1/26/2024.

Ever wish that your money came with a "how-to" guide?  This is where we can help you.

To view upcoming Financial Capability Workshops please see the Community Services Calendar.

eMoney Management is an online guide to financial health.  This course cost $35 to take online at your own pace, on your schedule, at any computer.